Episode 4


Tanner has a theory that all 90s songs, albums, and artists can also double as pet names for genitalia. Think about. Chris is depressed because he’s not feeling well and resents you, yes you, for your happiness. Tanner dreads work potlucks and wonders if others get the same anxiety over them that he does. Dracula’s castle is up for sale and a Satanic mass was schedule to be held at Harvard. Jonathan Fleming was in prison for 25 years and just found not guilty. The justice system and death penalty are bullshit and racist. 1989 –  the year Fleming went to prison – might just have been one of the most pivotal years in history, and the indisputable best year for TV debuts ever. EDITOR’S NOTE: Tanner forgot to mention that SEINFELD also debuted in 1989. Chris closes out the show with a follow-up to his IM conversation from episode 1. In this conversation, he embarks on an ill advised conversation with “Emily” – the person he’d recently broken up with. As usual, one person is still in love and the other has clearly moved on. But which one is Chris? 

Music courtesy of Calloway and Emperor X.

Run Time: 1 hours 22 minutes



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Episode 1


Chris has gone six hours without water. He now knows true human suffering because he’s unsure of  how many flushes he has left. Tanner had jury duty and has anxiety about being on a jury with morons. Kate Mulgrew AKA Captain Janeway has been tricked into being the mouthpiece of geocentrism. The Japanese are at it again, creating an official declaration of love. The kicker: the other person doesn’t even have to know. The top ten food courts list finally puts that long running debate to rest. Whew. Can we get on with life finally?! Chris closes the show reading an instant messenger conversation he had in 2004 shortly after breaking up with “the one” – or so he thought.

Music courtesy of Emperor X and Outkast

Run Time: 1 hour 1 minute


For more information visit http://www.livetotapeshow.com

Email us at livetotapeshow [at] gmail dot com