Episode 13

Tanner gives an update on the ICE saga. In short, he’s a moron. Chris is back from Europe and he’s here to say something profound: Europe is Europe. Chris was quizzed about Canadian gun laws at the border while Tanner was given the third degree about his job. Arby’s has a new off-the-menu sandwich called the Meat Mountain, and it’s exactly what you think it is. Chris reports on what the local news in Ferguson, MO is concerned with – breastfeeding. Chris and Tanner go down a dark, dark path thinking about the possibility – however abhorrent and remote – that a woman, at some point in history, has been, ahem, ‘excited’ by a baby during breastfeeding. Chris and Tanner play a game of Chart Toppers focused on the biggest movies and singles of this week in the years 1988-90, and finish up the show wondering where the Barbarian Twins are and what their own celebrity monikers would be.

Music courtesy of Emperor X

Run Time: 1 hour 4 minutes



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Episode 3

Chris gave his latest squeeze his letterman’s jacket so you know what that means – time to meet the parents. Tanner wonders why he has no friends and his social life is in ruins. Is it him? Graduate school? Masculinity? Old people at CVS are a whole different breed. Easter is the worst holiday next to Columbus Day. It’s tornado season. What countries and states are plagued by the most ‘nados? We have your answer. We also think about how a young, fake-Reebok-Pump-wearing Chris would’ve coped with a tornado. The final segment debuts a brand new game that exposes just how astoundingly, disturbingly, pathologically nostalgic Chris and Tanner are as they face off seeing if there’s any word in the dictionary they can’t nostalgize.

Music courtesy of Emperor X and Tom Cochrane.

Run Time: 1 hour 20 minutes



For more information visit http://www.livetotapeshow.com

Email us at livetotapeshow [at] gmail dot com