Episode 14


The recent earthquake in the Bay Area has Tanner thinking about earthquake kits and surviving the apocalypse. Chris is wondering why he avoided catching up with former classmates he hadn’t seen for over a decade. A man was flattened after 400 gallons were dumped on his dumb, dumb head as part of the Ice Bucket Challenge. A Denny’s opened in NYC and it’s serving a $300 meal with a bottle of champagne to people equally as dumb as the Ice Bucket Challenge guy. A shocking amount of women can’t identify a vagina on a medical diagram. Some evil kid – certain to be the next Chucky – tried to kill a guy working outside his eighth floor apartment by cutting his safety ropes because the guy was making too much noise. Chris and Tanner debate the world’s greatest cuisines. Tanner debuts a new version of the game Love/Hate called Split Decision that forces Chris to quickly make and explain some hard choices between two very similar things.

Music courtesy of Emperor X, DJ Snake, Vanilla Ice

Run Time: 1 hour 20 minutes



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Totally Tanner: Volume 3

Tanner assures you he’s not being condescending about low American culture because HE ATE A FILET O’ FISH. He also met Levar Burton and, strangely enough, is finally deciding to let go of his books and a part of himself. Summer doesn’t mean the same thing anymore, and Tanner remembers a childhood friend Bobby who claimed to be a woodland expert, black belt, and juggling a girlfriend in Myrtle Beach – all while being 10 years old. Most importantly, Bobby showed Tanner the ways of the world. Finally, Tanner can’t stop thinking about the possibility of alien life, more specifically the Fermi Paradox and a biologist’s rebuttal to claims that we should’ve encountered alien life already.

Music courtesy of LazerhawkMiami Nights 1984, Mitch Murder, and Gil Mantera’s Party Dream

Run Time: 42 minutes



For more information visit http://www.livetotapeshow.com

Email us at livetotapeshow [at] gmail dot com

Episode 2


There’s only a handful of things on the menus of most mid-America neighborhood restaurants – chicken, beef, breading, and cheese. Chris and Tanner delve into the depressing reality of the sodium-soaked-calorie-grenades people eat during a typical night out at a suburban Michigan bar and grill. Chris is going into the doctor tomorrow because he’s achieved “pre-corpse” state. An 11 year old girl is miraculously getting new ears grown through scientific wizardry. Two 63 year old twins were found dead cold chillin’ in recliners and no one has a clue as to how they died. Tanner knows some of Stanley Kubrick’s favorite films, but can Chris guess them? And Chris gets thrown in the infamous hot seat where he must quickly answer – and justify – whether he loves or hates ten random things.

Music courtesy of Emperor X and Guns N’ Roses

Run Time: 1 hour 10 minutes



For more information visit http://www.livetotapeshow.com

Email us at livetotapeshow [at] gmail dot com