Episode 10


Chris had a birthday recently and had to eat burgers scorched to his mom’s specifications. Tanner has anxiety about buying the first gift of his new relationship. Tanner announces a new challenger in the Jeff Goldblum movie competition. Ken Ham, colossal moron, says we shouldn’t search for aliens because they’re damned to hell. Farts are the new cure for everything. A pilot accidentally dropped thousands of ping pong balls on a highway. And Chris puts Tanner in the hot seat for the second edition of Love/Hate – a game of black and white split decisions on arbitrary topics. 

Music courtesy of Emperor X and Ludacris

Run Time: 1 hour 17 minutes



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Episode 9

Tanner issues a challenge to all amateur sleuths out there to figure out the Jeff Goldblum movie involved in his ascent to manhood. Chris went full hermit for awhile and is surprisingly sad about the death of Doink the Clown of WWF fame. Tanner saw The Goonies even though he was annoyed that his girlfriend was late. How? He now has amazing new relationship and conflict resolution skills thanks to watching MTV’s Teen Mom. A woman left her contacts in too long and an amoeba burrowed into her eye. An older guy soiled himself while waiting on the tarmac for a flight form Philadelphia to SF and refused to get off the plane. Chris and Tanner try to determine who is the most nostalgic man in America in the second edition of Nostalgia Duel – warning this one gets a little dark.

Music courtesy of Emperor X

Run Time: 1 hour 22 minutes



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Totally Tanner: Volume 3

Tanner assures you he’s not being condescending about low American culture because HE ATE A FILET O’ FISH. He also met Levar Burton and, strangely enough, is finally deciding to let go of his books and a part of himself. Summer doesn’t mean the same thing anymore, and Tanner remembers a childhood friend Bobby who claimed to be a woodland expert, black belt, and juggling a girlfriend in Myrtle Beach – all while being 10 years old. Most importantly, Bobby showed Tanner the ways of the world. Finally, Tanner can’t stop thinking about the possibility of alien life, more specifically the Fermi Paradox and a biologist’s rebuttal to claims that we should’ve encountered alien life already.

Music courtesy of LazerhawkMiami Nights 1984, Mitch Murder, and Gil Mantera’s Party Dream

Run Time: 42 minutes



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Email us at livetotapeshow [at] gmail dot com